Sunday, April 9, 2006

Behold! Easter is coming.

After Lent season, about 1.1 billion Catholics Christians will live in these days the Easter Sunday, the death and the resurrection of the Lord. Before reaching this Great festival, we have the Holy week (the Last week of Lent) that command us to commemorate the Passion of Christ.

Sunday, April 9 the Holy week begin with Palm Sunday. Jesus have a triumphant entry in Jerusalem but this entry becomes later a tragic event in which he is crucified over the Cross. He had power to save himself but he fulfilled the mission his Father gave him. He is not a coward. He faces the harm. We too, we shall face the hard period of our life instead of give in and sometimes commit suicide.

Thursday, April 13 is the Day in which the Lord took his last supper with his disciple and created the Eucharist, sign of the Father’s Love for Human being. During Mass, there is the Office of the washing of the feet. This shows, we have to love our neighbour as ourselves and serve them.

Friday, April 14 is Good Friday. Jesus died over the Cross for our salvation. That’s why we have to fast and mourn this Day to remain bound with God.

Saturday, April 15 will open Easter Sunday with the Vigil. The Lord is rising from the grave, Alleluia, Alleluia.

Moreover, we need a bit preparation to attend this Great Week. Our heart should be purified to be one with God. That’s why all parishes made some penance service.

“Uncommitted Christians”, remember, you are invited by the Church to clean your heart once a year and make the communion at Easter. Come on. You’re always be welcome in your home.

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