Tuesday, June 6, 2006


Enough with Da Brown! The film too is not impressive. Let us continue with our thought about Catholic ‘ questions.

Sometimes, I wonder if Christians really know the doctrine of the Church about the relationship between Church and State.

“Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar AND to God, what belongs to God”. (Mk 12:17). Jesus’ quote recalls to all Christians, they belong to God but they are also citizen. Thus, they have a specific role to do in the society. As a Christian, they have to practice their faith. They have to attend the Church for praying, praising and worshiping with freedom their Lord. However, as a citizen, they are to fulfil all the requirement of their society: work consciously, pay their taxes, respect the civil authorities, even pray for them. So, in the society, they have to do better their job but always guided by the evangelical values.

“Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar AND to God, what belongs to God”. Secularism should not exclude God from the world. We can separate Church and State. But we can’t and we should not separate faith and citizenship. Faith is not a “winter-coat” we hang up in the wardrobe or we pack during summer! Faith is part of our life and it may help Christian to live among the others and create “new heavens and new earth in which righteousness dwells”.

“Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar AND to God, what belongs to God”. I’m not linguist but I do know that it’s not neither a question of separation nor and exclusion between Caesar and God. Rather, it’s an union between both. Let us keep in mind this.

Any Christian who strongly disagrees with me can express his opinion. Otherwise, you must take your “faith-coat” you hung up since…I don’t know!