Saturday, April 15, 2006


How can a fiction interfere in the faith of thousands and thousands Christians and destroy it? Actually, Mr. Dan Brown Story should drive them to seek more information about their Church rather than leave it. And nowadays, Christians must gather materials instead of drag their early and childish faith to practice Christianity.

John Paul II in his encyclical "Faith and Reason" wants us to do that: “The content of revelation can never debase the discoveries and legitimate autonomy of reason. Yet...reason on its part must never lose its capacity to question and to be questioned (…) It is an illusion to think that faith, tied to weak reasoning, might be more penetrating; on the contrary, faith then runs the grave risk of withering into myth or superstition”(Fides et Ratio, “Faith and Reason” )

Actually, all events like that must stimulate Christian to learn more about their Church. I remember when on the eve of Easter, the Geography Society published that Judas were operate by a remote control. And Jesus indeed dealed with him so that prophecy be fuffilled. Panic in some faithful.

Faith is not a joke or a nonsense. The Church don’t lie and have no interest to lie and True can’t be hidden. The “inspired readings” the Church adopted in the Second Century after Jesus Christ as the Word of the Lord is still true.

So I ask solemnly to the Christian who always have some doubt about their Church to gather information. Ask to your Pastor or other priest or a sister. They are ready to help you. Try to attend the advanced religion courses your parish is giving to parishioners. Surfing the Net, go to the Catholic websites or the Vatican one ( Then you will be a mature Christian and you shall respond before the attacks instead of lose one’s marbles by hearing somebody or a group who use pieces in the History to built his novel and confuse millions of people.

You may read the Jason Blair or Janet Cooke case to be aware how a probable story can be written and believed as a Gospel.

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