Sunday, September 17, 2006


Since Wednesday, September 13, many brothers from Islam religion voice anger against the Pope Benedict XVI because of a Lecture he has given to the University of Regensburg in Germany about Faith, Reason and the University.

Just after this speech, the breaking news of the majority of the media about this Lecture was: “ Pope Benedict XVI: the Jihad (Holy War) offences God and the Reason”. The condemnation from many Muslim group around the world followed this news. But What the Lecture of the Pope is about?

I can summarize in these words: God without Reason leads to Fundamentalism and Reason without God leads to Enlightenment atheistic. What does it mean?

Fundamentalism is a danger for all religion especially Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Unfortunately sometimes, there are some people in these religion who have a great desire to live in the depth God’s Word. Therefore, the accurate thought about God and his divine way upon the world is neglected. This attitude reveals an narrow-mindedness of these people and creates a situation of intolerance in the community.

Enlightenment atheistic is nowadays a specific danger of the West because several people try to cancel God from the society. The Church should be a private affair and Faith must be hidden. This is what the Pope seriously denounces in his Lecture according to the secularism of the society. Here is the genuine meaning of the Lecture of the Pope.

Sure, the Pope has quoted a Quran using a well known verse: “There is no compulsion in religion” which means the authentic spirit of the Quran is freedom of conscience. And the Pope has added: “According to the experts, this is one of the suras of the early period, when Mohammed was still powerless and under threat.” Benedict XVI, with this assertion, is in synthesis with Islam tradition which considers this sura as the first proclaimed just after the Prophet Muhammad fled to the Mecca.

Moreover, the words about Islam represents 10% of the speech of the Pope in the original version (German) that is 373 words over 3565. Therefore, this Lecture is firstly for the West which try to get rid of God and secondly invites, urges all the Religion in the whole world for a true dialog about the sensitive issues of our time.

The Pope have no interest and no intention to offend a given Religion especially Islam. He himself has cleared his opinion today in the traditional Angelus in Castel Gandolfo (Italy).

Let’s understand each other. One thing is the original words a given person has said. The other one is how the media present in their own language these words. We must be aware of that and be careful.

For those who want to read entirely the Lecture of the Pope Benedict XVI, here is the version in English or see bellow. Please, take your time.

Father Maxime KOUAKOU (Graduate student)
School of Church Communication
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross


Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Nowadays, many Catholics faithful think that being Christians is doing good and avoiding evil. According to them, attending the masses every Sunday is an opportunity to know one more time what commandment they are to follow in their life. They are not totally wrong.

However, being Christian is much more than obeying laws. Christianity is not a kind of packet of rules. Christianity is a religion of love: love of God and love of the others.

Therefore, if I love God:
I shall follow his way.
I shall maintain my relationship with him through the Eucharist and my personal prayers.
I will do all my best to please him…

Moreover, if I love the others:
I shall not hurt them.
I shall help them to be happy…

So, in our religion, especially in the Catholic Church, faith and action should be guided neither by Law, nor by good reputation, social approval. Faith and action should be guided by God’s Love.

Then, Christianity is a kind of relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. In this way, Pope Benedict XVI said: “Being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction”[1].

If I have a personal and true relationship with Jesus, I can live better my spiritual life.


Tuesday, June 6, 2006


Enough with Da Brown! The film too is not impressive. Let us continue with our thought about Catholic ‘ questions.

Sometimes, I wonder if Christians really know the doctrine of the Church about the relationship between Church and State.

“Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar AND to God, what belongs to God”. (Mk 12:17). Jesus’ quote recalls to all Christians, they belong to God but they are also citizen. Thus, they have a specific role to do in the society. As a Christian, they have to practice their faith. They have to attend the Church for praying, praising and worshiping with freedom their Lord. However, as a citizen, they are to fulfil all the requirement of their society: work consciously, pay their taxes, respect the civil authorities, even pray for them. So, in the society, they have to do better their job but always guided by the evangelical values.

“Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar AND to God, what belongs to God”. Secularism should not exclude God from the world. We can separate Church and State. But we can’t and we should not separate faith and citizenship. Faith is not a “winter-coat” we hang up in the wardrobe or we pack during summer! Faith is part of our life and it may help Christian to live among the others and create “new heavens and new earth in which righteousness dwells”.

“Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar AND to God, what belongs to God”. I’m not linguist but I do know that it’s not neither a question of separation nor and exclusion between Caesar and God. Rather, it’s an union between both. Let us keep in mind this.

Any Christian who strongly disagrees with me can express his opinion. Otherwise, you must take your “faith-coat” you hung up since…I don’t know!

Saturday, April 15, 2006


For three years, Mr. Dan Brown with is best seller “The Da Vinci Code” is devastating the faith of many Christians throughout the World.

One week ago, my friend called me from Paris and told me what occurred during the birthday’s celebartion he attended.

An argument indeed, happenned between the guests about Mr. Dan Brown’s Book. While one of the guest was doing all his best to explain the book is a fiction and so he doesn’t believe in it, another replied, Mr. Dan Brown revealed what the Church hid from the world for 2000 years. So, she believes the story is true. And since she has read it she doesn’t go to Church anymore. The discussion was too heated that the birthday ‘s celebration was ended not as my friend hoped.

I suspect as much because this book is full of pieces that deal with the foundation of Christianity. What Mr. Dan Brown story is about? You should read the book. Nevertheless, I can give you a short summary.

According to the best know thriller, Jesus got married with Mary Magdalene and from their sexual relation, was bornt a girl. This child would be the ancestor of Clovis and the merovingians’ King. Behold the secret the Catholic Brotherhood and secret religious organisation – Prieuré de Sion part of this descendants – located nowadays in the Saint Supplice Church in France (Paris) must protect. Leonard de Vinci was a master of this group and was aware of the secret. The whole Church too. Therefore, Leonardo has disseminated in his painting with kinf od symbols this secret. Jacques Saunière the curator at the Museum of Louvre also aware of the secret is killed by a member of an influent secret organization in the Church – the Opus Dei – so that he can’t spread it to the people. The police officers found his body in a strange position and bla bla bla…Great thriller!

Unfortunately, what was a thriller and a fiction has been considered as true by million Cristians and other people.

Actually, never such crime happened in the Museum of Louvre history. The Rennes-Le-Chateau or Saint Supplice Church really exists in France but it has got no secret about an historic secret. In addition, the Prieuré de Sion didn’t exist during the crusade. Historians said, in that time, an abbey Notre Dame de Sion existed near Jerusalem but it was not a secret organization. The Opus Dei is really an institution of the Church that really exists. It’s a personal prelature, that’s mean connected directly to the Pope. It was created in 1928 by the spanish Saint Josemarìa Escrivà. We know them. It’s not a secret organization. You can visit them in Rome if you want and see the tomb of the founder in Via Bruno Buossi, 75. Or else you can go and see their new house in New York (Manathan). There again, Mr. Dan Brown looked something strange in the entrance of the building.

So, there are many errors[1] (theoligical and historic) in the story. Mr. Dan Brown built indeed a great “pizza story” by mixing true and false, historic and contemporary pieces.
A Russian, Mikhail Anikin, a “Leonardo da Vinci” expert in the Hermitage museum’s Western European art department and art historian has accused him of plagiarism just four days after a British Court rejected a similar claim, published the TIMES[2]. According to the newspaper, Dr. Anikin said “When I read the book, I was shocked at its poor quality and because it used my ideas (…) This book tells lies about the Church which upset me morally.” He said he would give Mr Brown one month to apologise and give up half his revenues from the book or he would take him to court in Russia and the US to seek all his earnings from the novel.

[1] Read here

[2] Times of 12th of April


Mr. Dan Brown don’t worry about these accusations and critics. Even, he is glad to maintain the doubt in his readers.

I do believe from the scriptwriter that to create a great and lovely story we need some historic pieces and the autor must be imaginative to make it credible. Mr. Dan Brown, interested in cryptography, keys an codes did it very well but has falsified the facts. He is the author of numerous same bestselling novels. You may know his wife is an art historian and passionate for painting. Then Mr. Dan Brown has a good collaborator on his research and a great help during his work. He revealed himself in USA TODAY [1] that Blythe (his wife) “was deeply passionate about the sacred feminine” and it was her idea to include the holy bloodline theory, which contends that Jesus and Mary Magdalene married and had a child. After this book, he is ready to write a story about the hidden history of the US’s capital. Therefore, Mr. Dan Brown wrote his story by using his good background.

He succeeded because since today, his book is one of the most popular books of this decade. “The Da Vinci” Code has sold more than 40 million copies and been translated into 44 languages. FORBES MAGAZINE placed him at N°12 on their 2005 “Celebrity 100” list, and estimated his annual income at $76.5 million USD. Now, it is being adapted for film by Columbia Pictures.

Mr. Dan Brown succeeded because his novel drove several Christians, passionate of the sensational and the esotery, to turn away their faith. An most of them are looking forward to see the movie release expected for the 17th of may in France. Two day later, the 19th of may, the whole world will see the job done by the big Star of the cinema like the American Tom Hanks and the French Audrey Tautou.
That day might be painful for the entire Church because many Christians will leave their faith upon the seat of the movie theater. They will wonder in mass why they has chose Christian faith and they will reject Christ for ever.

They are WRONG, WRONG and WRONG.

[1] USA TODAY of 12th April


How can a fiction interfere in the faith of thousands and thousands Christians and destroy it? Actually, Mr. Dan Brown Story should drive them to seek more information about their Church rather than leave it. And nowadays, Christians must gather materials instead of drag their early and childish faith to practice Christianity.

John Paul II in his encyclical "Faith and Reason" wants us to do that: “The content of revelation can never debase the discoveries and legitimate autonomy of reason. Yet...reason on its part must never lose its capacity to question and to be questioned (…) It is an illusion to think that faith, tied to weak reasoning, might be more penetrating; on the contrary, faith then runs the grave risk of withering into myth or superstition”(Fides et Ratio, “Faith and Reason” )

Actually, all events like that must stimulate Christian to learn more about their Church. I remember when on the eve of Easter, the Geography Society published that Judas were operate by a remote control. And Jesus indeed dealed with him so that prophecy be fuffilled. Panic in some faithful.

Faith is not a joke or a nonsense. The Church don’t lie and have no interest to lie and True can’t be hidden. The “inspired readings” the Church adopted in the Second Century after Jesus Christ as the Word of the Lord is still true.

So I ask solemnly to the Christian who always have some doubt about their Church to gather information. Ask to your Pastor or other priest or a sister. They are ready to help you. Try to attend the advanced religion courses your parish is giving to parishioners. Surfing the Net, go to the Catholic websites or the Vatican one ( Then you will be a mature Christian and you shall respond before the attacks instead of lose one’s marbles by hearing somebody or a group who use pieces in the History to built his novel and confuse millions of people.

You may read the Jason Blair or Janet Cooke case to be aware how a probable story can be written and believed as a Gospel.

Sunday, April 9, 2006

Behold! Easter is coming.

After Lent season, about 1.1 billion Catholics Christians will live in these days the Easter Sunday, the death and the resurrection of the Lord. Before reaching this Great festival, we have the Holy week (the Last week of Lent) that command us to commemorate the Passion of Christ.

Sunday, April 9 the Holy week begin with Palm Sunday. Jesus have a triumphant entry in Jerusalem but this entry becomes later a tragic event in which he is crucified over the Cross. He had power to save himself but he fulfilled the mission his Father gave him. He is not a coward. He faces the harm. We too, we shall face the hard period of our life instead of give in and sometimes commit suicide.

Thursday, April 13 is the Day in which the Lord took his last supper with his disciple and created the Eucharist, sign of the Father’s Love for Human being. During Mass, there is the Office of the washing of the feet. This shows, we have to love our neighbour as ourselves and serve them.

Friday, April 14 is Good Friday. Jesus died over the Cross for our salvation. That’s why we have to fast and mourn this Day to remain bound with God.

Saturday, April 15 will open Easter Sunday with the Vigil. The Lord is rising from the grave, Alleluia, Alleluia.

Moreover, we need a bit preparation to attend this Great Week. Our heart should be purified to be one with God. That’s why all parishes made some penance service.

“Uncommitted Christians”, remember, you are invited by the Church to clean your heart once a year and make the communion at Easter. Come on. You’re always be welcome in your home.

Saturday, April 1, 2006

John Paul II and the Eucharist!

2nd April 2005 – 2nd April 2006.
Behold one year the Pope died. In his anniversary, let us listen to him talk about the mass (Eucharist):

“…In the humble signs of bread and wine, changed into his body and blood, Christ walks beside us as our strength and our food for the journey, and he enables us to become, for everyone, witnesses of hope. If, in the presence of this mystery, reason experiences its limits, the heart, enlightened by the grace of the Holy Spirit, clearly sees the response that is demanded, and bows low in adoration and unbounded love…”

“…Every commitment to holiness, every activity aimed at carrying out the Church's mission, every work of pastoral planning, must draw the strength it needs from the Eucharistic mystery and in turn be directed to that mystery as its culmination. In the Eucharist we have Jesus, we have his redemptive sacrifice, we have his resurrection, we have the gift of the Holy Spirit, we have adoration, obedience and love of the Father. Were we to disregard the Eucharist, how could we overcome our own deficiency?”

“… The mystery of the Eucharist – sacrifice, presence, banquet...must be experienced and lived in its integrity, both in its celebration and in the intimate converse with Jesus which takes place after receiving communion or in a prayerful moment of Eucharistic adoration apart from Mass…”

Ecclesia de Eucharistia, “On the Eucharist in its Relationship to the Church”
(Encyclical given in Rome, on 17 April, Holy Thursday, in the year 2003, the Twenty- fifth of his Pontificate)

Very often, I think, we don’t know what is the depth meaning of the Eucharist. So, we don’t feel to go and participate to it. Does it make sens?

Thursday, March 23, 2006


I’m not alone to worry about our Christians’ faith! The NewSunday Missourian published two weeks ago (March 12), a great story about the “Uncommitted CHRISTIANS”. Sarah Blaskovich wrote this story. Here are some quotations.

“American overwhelmingly profess to be part of a Christian nation. Our president is a Christian. Our neighbors probably are, too – more than three-quarters of Americans describe themselves as Christians. However, a slew of research in recent years suggest that, as a group, Christian adults are becoming increasingly apathetic about their faith. Church attendance has been slowly declining. Interest in organized religion as a staple of American life is waning. And a majority of Christian Americans, according to a leading Christian research organization, do not know what is in their Bibles…”

This general remark gives us some ideas. The story is about all of Christians in US, especially in Columbia. And catholic Christians in US are 66,3 million, so 22% of the population. Let us read bellow.

“…It’s easy to believe that our nation as a whole is faithful when the religious habits of others countries are considered. A Gallup poll found in 2005 that 35 percent of Americans, regardless of religious affiliation, went to worship services at least once a week…”

Remember, US Americans Christians are 85% of the population. Here we go!

“…While Columbia pastors say the declining attendance is hardly a crisis, they acknowledge that many people simply believe they have better things to do on Sunday morning. Several pastors point to American’s short attention spans as a major road bump in religiosity. It takes a split second to send and receive e-mails, three minutes to grab a cheeseburger and half an hour to get film developed. It’s no surprising, pastors say, that some churchgoers get bored during religious services, which can last an hour or more…More and more, pastors say that Church is competing with parishioners’ secular interests and activities…”

Great!!! Keep reading.

“…Researchers asked 1,002 Americans to list their personal priorities, and only 15 percent ranked God and faith first…”

What’s about the 292 million of Americans? Expert readers in arithmetic can make the calculation. Don’t stop reading.

“…Americans have also been found to be lacking in knowledge of Christianity. According to a 1997 poll, only about 30 percent of Americans can name the four Gospels. Even fewer people – one in five – say they are confident with their understanding of the Bible, according to 2005 survey by the Barna Group…”

You must know, you can’t believe if you don’t know in whom you are believing! And Sarah concluded:

“…For centuries, religious understanding among the faithful was the province of the Pastor. Now with more Americans seeking alternative spiritual outlooks and exploring different beliefs, the roles of the pastor, the church and even the Bible may not be as important as they once were.”

Pope Benedict were right when he said (talking about Europe) two months ago, “The West is exhausted of God”. Is it true for USA? Not yet but in five years, maybe! Thank you Sarah.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Who is he?
Saint Patrick, Apostle and Patron of Ireland were born in Scotland in 387. In his sixteenth year, he was kidnapping by the Irish marauders and was sold as a slave in Ireland. He considered himself a pagan. And Ireland at this time was a land of Druids and pagans.

For six years he herd and tended sheep. During his captivity, he became closer to God. In 411, he escaped from his captivity and went to Gaul (France) by boat. He was ordained by St. Germanus, the Bishop of Auxerre, whom he had studied under for years. Later, Patrick was ordained a bishop, and was sent by Pope Saint Celestine to take the Gospel to Ireland.

He travelled throughout Ireland, establishing monasteries across the country. He also set up schools and churches which would aid him in his conversion of the Irish country to Christianity. In the thirty-three years of his apostolate, he succeeded in converting the whole country. He was arrested several times, but escaped each time.

Some of this lore includes the belief that Patrick raised people from the dead. He also is said to have given a sermon from a hilltop that drove all the snakes from Ireland. Of course, no snakes were ever native to Ireland, and some people think this is a metaphor for the conversion of the pagans.

Though originally a Catholic holy day, St. Patrick's Day has evolved into more of a secular holiday. One traditional icon of the day is the shamrock. They say Patrick used with ability the three-leafed shamrock to explain the Trinity. He used it in his sermons to represent how the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit could all exist as separate elements of the same entity. His followers adopted the custom of wearing a shamrock on his feast day.

For the "drunk beer tradition", I guess Irish like good food and beer. And because of it's the whole country feast, they have taken advantage of this to drink more beer. But, there is no connexion with the life of Saint Patrick. Green colour because Spring is beginning.

So “the drunk beer day” is coming somebody says. Sure! But don’t forget. Saint Patrick fought to bring back those who didn’t believe in God. Reminder and tell about what you see in your Church this “Holyday”.

Sunday, March 5, 2006

Ash Wednesday 2006
Change your heart and help catechumens to see God, here is the message Father Mark Smith, an associate Pastor, uttered to the faithful on ash Wednesday noon mass he celebrated at the Newman Centre. Many students, MU employers, others workers take part to this celebration which open the Catholic Lent season. The Church were full and some people stood because there were no seat. And you, where were you?